18th May 2024: Our Daily deLIGHT~7th Day-Fear of YHVH
We need a fully lit menorah, all Seven Spirits, in order to rightly discern what the Word is saying about the times in which we live.
19th May 2024: Our Daily deLIGHT~1st Day-Wisdom
Promises listed for the Spirit of Wisdom just in these two verses: Wisdom causes us to be proficient in our work…
17th May 2024: Our Daily deLIGHT~6th Day-Knowledge
After Peter shares about the coming judgments, as well as the coming promises, his final words tell us that we need to grow in grace [power and enablement] and knowledge of Yeshua because THIS is the power and knowledge that it’s going to take in order to be spared at the end of days.
16th May 2024: Our Daily deLIGHT~5th Day-Power
These are some powerful promises for us to fully receive today as we allow the Spirit of Proper Power to fill us to overflowing!!
15th May 2024: Our Daily deLIGHT~4th Day-Spirit of YHVH
When we’re going through our journeys in life, the circumstances surrounding it may truly baffle us, cause us to question and even upset us. We have the unknowns that we’re definitely uneasy about.
14th May 2024: Our Daily deLIGHT~3rd Day-Counsel
The counsel we seek from others is only considered wise when it comes from patterns and principles found in the Word.
13th May 2024: Our Daily deLIGHT~2nd Day-Understanding
Not only were the heavens and the earth founded by wisdom and understanding, they are also maintained by these. We, too, are Elohim’s creation AND He will also maintain us. But we do have a part in it and that is to believe His Word and do it!! In the verses above we are given clear truth and direction, and if we do them there are also clear promises that come with it.
12th May 2024: Our Daily deLIGHT~1st Day-Wisdom
The word blessed in this verse is the Hebrew word Asher, Strong’s number 835. It means Happy, Blessed. So it can just as easily say, “How HAPPY is the man who finds wisdom and the man who gains understanding.” According to the Wisdom of Solomon wisdom and understanding is invaluable!!
11th May 2024: Our Daily deLIGHT~7th Day-Fear of YHVH
The Fear of YHVH is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge and this is what Nehemiah would need as he goes before the king