BLOG, Daily deLIGHT-4th day, Tammy McLendon
19th June 2024: Our Daily deLIGHT~4th Day-Spirit of YHVH AI Generated Graphic Spirit of YHVH When I was a young believer and began to be taught about the Holy Spirit, my understanding was very one dimensional. I realized there was fruit that would come from allowing...
BLOG, Daily DeLIGHT - 3rd day, Tammy McLendon
18th June 2024: Our Daily deLIGHT~3rd Day-Counsel Adoration of the Golden Calf, oil on canvas by Nicolas Poussin, c. 1634. 153.4 × 211.8 cm.Fine Art Images/Heritage Image/age fotostock Counsel What the prophets said in their day is for us in our day. Therefore it is...
BLOG, Daily DeLIGHT -2nd day, Tammy McLendon
17th June 2024: Our Daily deLIGHT~2nd Day-Understanding Photo by Samuel Martins on Unsplash Understanding In the culture we live in we can clearly see the reality of these verses listed here. Proverbs 28:1-5; “1. The wicked flee when no one is pursuing, but the...
BLOG, Daily DeLIGHT - 1st day, Tammy McLendon
16th June 2024: Our Daily deLIGHT~1st Day-Wisdom Photo by Meggyn Pomerleau on Unsplash Wisdom It’s commonly known that the book of Proverbs is considered the Book of Wisdom; but did you know that within the book of Proverbs there’s a section called the “Thirty Sayings...
BLOG, Daily DeLIGHT-7th day, Tammy McLendon
15th June 2024: Our Daily deLIGHT~7th Day-Fear of YHVH Photo by Nils on Unsplash Fear of YHVH Shabbat Shalom!! 2 Corinthians 5:10-11 says; “10. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Messiah, so that each one may be recompensed for his deeds in the...