BLOG, Daily DeLIGHT - 1st day, Tammy McLendon
28th July 2023: Our Daily deLIGHT~1st Day-Wisdom Photo by Sebastián León Prado on Unsplash Wisdom Continuing from the “Thirty Sayings of the Wise” in the book of Proverbs, we will focus on “What Makes the Father, Heavenly and Earthly, Glad”. Saying number 14: Proverbs...
BLOG, Daily DeLIGHT-7th day, Tammy McLendon
27th July 2024: Our Daily deLIGHT~7th Day-Fear of YHVH Photo by Ekaterina Shakharova on Unsplash Fear of YHVH Shabbat Shalom!! We look forward to gathering with the Treasured Ones today!! On the fifth day of this week we focused on the Outstretch Arm of YHVH as it...
BLOG, Daily DeLIGHT-6th day, Tammy McLendon
26th July 2024: Our Daily deLIGHT~6th Day-Knowledge By rudall30 Knowledge On the Fourth day two weeks ago we closed out the Spirit of YHVH in Luke 1:67 where Zacharias was filled with the Spirit. Today let’s continue in Luke 1:68-80 at the prophetic words that flowed...
BLOG, Daily DeLIGHT - 5th day, Tammy McLendon
25th July 2024: Our Daily deLIGHT~5th Day-Power Photo by Robert Thiemann on Unsplash Power As believers in Yeshua, grace has brought us into the “house” of our Creator, YHVH and it is our obedience that KEEPS us there. As members of the family of Yah we...
BLOG, Daily deLIGHT-4th day, Tammy McLendon
24th July 2024: Our Daily deLIGHT~4th Day-Spirit of YHVH Photo by Dev Benjamin on Unsplash Spirit of YHVH Yesterday we shared about NEEDING an answer from our heavenly Father and seeking the things above where Messiah is seated at the right hand of YHVH. Today we will...