PLEASE NOTE … Online Registration is CLOSED!
For Those Attending:
Join Pastors Bill & Beth Cloud, Pastors Mark & Tammy McLendon and Dr. Hollisa Alewine for a 2 day seminar prior to REVIVE 2023 at the Marriott Cool Springs Hotel in Franklin, TN. for the LEADERSHIP TRAINING 2023. These leaders bring to the table years of experience, in a variety of areas, as it pertains to the faith walk and serving others.
This seminar is designed to encourage and assist those who are either leading a congregation or who feel called to begin a local congregation. With the great need that there is for healthy communities to be established in order that we may gather together with like-kind and like-mind, it is our desire to help equip the body of Messiah with the tools they need to be a part of building up the body of Messiah.
We look forward to joining you for this time of learning about the joy of being a part of a community of believers.