20th September 2024: Our Daily deLIGHT~6th Day-Knowledge

by | Sep 20, 2024 | BLOG, Daily DeLIGHT-6th day, Tammy McLendon | 0 comments


Happy Preparation Day for the weekly Shabbat!!!!  May it be filled with the presence of our King as we prepare to worship Him!!


1 Corinthians 1:3-9 says, “3  Grace to you and peace from Elohim our Father and the Master Yeshua Messiah. 4  I thank my Elohim always concerning you for the grace of Elohim which was given you in Messiah Yeshua, 5 that in everything you were enriched in Him, in all speech and all knowledge, 6 even as the testimony concerning Messiah was confirmed in you, 7 so that you are not lacking in any gift, awaiting eagerly the revelation of our Master Yeshua Messiah, 8  who will also confirm you to the end, blameless in the day of our Master Yeshua Messiah. 9 Elohim is faithful, through whom you were called into fellowship with His Son, Yeshua Messiah our Master.”

Paul knew his congregation and to what they could relate; therefore he wrote to them from their understanding in order to shift their perspective and motivation to gain knowledge. It should not be for carnal worldly achievements that one needs to pursue after knowledge, but for discovering that which is found in Yeshua.  The IVP Commentary says, “Speech” and “knowledge” were important to the Corinthians. In fact, the nearby Isthmian Games included speech contests, and knowledge was associated with philosophical wisdom or the ability to speak extemporaneously [without any preparation] on any topic (a skill in which rhetoricians, or public speakers, were trained). Here Paul means spiritual, not merely natural, gifts, but the Corinthians had come to excel in these particular gifts precisely because these mattered most to them in their culture.”

2 Corinthians 8:7 says, “But just as you abound in everything, in faith and utterance [Speech] and knowledge and in all earnestness and in the love we inspired in you, see that you abound in this gracious work also.”

In these few short verses Paul makes clear that their source for every accomplishment that is of value comes from Yeshua and for His kingdom.  We will list them below:

  1. Grace (Yah’s desire and enablement to do His will) was given in Yeshua
  2. Enriched in Yeshua
  3. Enriched in all Speech
  4. Enriched in all Knowledge
  5. The testimony of Yeshua confirmed in them
  6. Not lacking in any gift
  7. Will be confirmed in the end
  8. Blameless when Yeshua returns
  9. Called into fellowship with Yeshua
  10. Abounding in everything…faith, utterance (speech) andknowledge
  11. Inspired inlove to abound
  12. Encouraged to abound in the gracious work of Messiah

May we grasp and know today that our motivation to be filled with the Spirit of Knowledge is so that the kingdom can be advanced in every sphere of influence that we have and may we diligently run after that!!

Have a blessed and shalom filled preparation day!!!


Courtesy of

River of Life Tabernacle
Tammy McLendon
Great peace have they who love Your law. Psalm 119:165a



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