17th October 2024: Our Daily deLIGHT~5th Day-Power

by | Oct 15, 2024 | BLOG, Daily DeLIGHT - 5th day, Tammy McLendon | 0 comments

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash


The verses below were written at a time in David’s life when he was being hotly pursued by Saul and other enemies.  David sets a good example of WHO to run to and WHAT to ask for when we are in need of the power of Elohim to intervene on our behalf.

Psalm 54:1-3 says, “​1 Save me, O Elohim, by Your name, and vindicate me by Your power. 2  Hear my prayer, O Elohim; give ear to the words of my mouth. 3  For strangers have risen against me and violent men have sought my life; They have not set Elohim before them. Selah.”  David wrote this Psalm when the Ziphites came and said to Saul, “Is not David hiding himself among us?” In their culture they believed that when a person was suffering that it was punishment from Elohim.  David knew he wasn’t guilty of what Saul was accusing him of; however, if the Father didn’t intervene on David’s behalf, it could appear to Saul and those around him that he was guilty as charged.  But if Elohim came through by His mighty power and by His great name and rescued David, then he would be vindicated and the punishment would then come to the enemy.  This is exactly what happened in the case of King Saul and David.  Saul never got the victory over David and ultimately died in battle.  After this David was exalted as King. 

Psalm 20:1-2 says, “​1  May YHVH answer you in the day of trouble! May the name of the Elohim of Jacob set you securely on high! 2 May He send you help from the sanctuary and support you from Zion!”

 Psalm 17:6-7 says, “6 I have called upon You, for You will answer me, O Elohim; incline Your ear to me, hear my speech. 7  Wondrously show Your lovingkindness, O Savior of those who take refuge at Your right hand from those who rise up against them.”

Psalm 16:8 that we’ve shared before is very fitting with the verses above; I have set YHVH continually before me; because He is at my right handI will not be shaken. 9. Therefore my heart is glad and my glory rejoices; My flesh also will dwell securely.”

Psalm 5:1-4 says, “​1  Give ear to my words, O YHVH, Consider my  groaning. 2 Heed the sound of my cry for help, my King and my Elohim, for to You I pray. 3 In the morning, O YHVH, You will hear my voicein the morning I will order my prayer to You and eagerly watch. 4 For You are not an El who takes pleasure in wickedness; No evil dwells with You.”

May we hide these words in our hearts and let Yah arise and His enemies be scattered (Psalm 68:1-2).  Through the power of the Holy Spirit we are enabled to walk in the faith and confidence that He hears our prayers and will answer us according to His will.  And…His will is exactly what we would want if we had all the facts.

Have a blessed and shalom filled day!!


Courtesy of

River of Life Tabernacle
Tammy McLendon
Great peace have they who love Your law. Psalm 119:165a


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