12th September 2023: Our Daily deLIGHT~5th Day-Power

by | Sep 11, 2024 | BLOG, Daily DeLIGHT - 5th day, Tammy McLendon | 0 comments

Photo by Kayla Koss on Unsplash


As we’ve shared before, other words for power are strength, strengthened, might and mighty.  When the Father tells us in His Word that He has strengthened them or that they have might or are mightyit is the same as saying He has given them the Spirit of PowerToday we will look at verses in Zechariah 10.  This is a chapter where YHVH blesses Judah and Ephraim…the whole house of Israel with strength and might for the end time battle.


Zechariah 10:3-5 says,

“3 My anger is kindled against the shepherds,

            And I will punish the male goats [Idiom for unrighteous leaders];

            For YHVH of hosts has visited His flockthe house of Judah,

            And will make them like His majestic horse in battle. [The General or Head Commander rode on the most cared for and decorated horse, known as the majestic horse…He is telling them they will be the most cared for as well as at the head of the battle]

4 “From them [from Judah] will come the cornerstone [Yeshua is from Judah and the Chief Cornerstone…this Messianic prophecy came to pass],

            From them the tent peg, [The large peg in ancient tents was where most of the valuables were hung…this is saying that on Messiah hangs the glory and hope of His people. (Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown Commentary)]

            From them the bow of battle, [Judah will not need foreign soldiers as Messiah will be the bow in battle]

            From them every ruler, all of them together[Connected with the verses above is a military term meaning Judah will exact the tribute gained from the nations defeated…Remember they left out of Egypt with much wealth as YHVH overcame Pharaoh]

5 “They will be as mighty men, [Men with power and strength]

            Treading down the enemy in the mire of the streets in battle;

            And they will fight, for YHVH will be with them;

            And the riders on horses will be put to shame.”

We will continue in Zechariah 10:6-9.

6 “I will strengthen the house of Judah, [Give them the Spirit of power]
And I will save the house of Joseph,
And I will bring them back,
Because I have had compassion on them;
And they will be as though I had not rejected them,
For I am YHVH their Elohim and I will answer them.

7 “Ephraim will be like a mighty man[Men with power and strength]
And their heart will be glad as if from wine;
Indeed, their children will see it and be glad,
Their heart will rejoice in YHVH.

8 “I will whistle for them to gather them together,
For I have redeemed them;
And they will be as numerous as they were before.

9 “When I scatter them among the peoples,
They will remember Me in far countries,
And they with their children will live and come back.

We will finish with Zechariah 10:12; “And I will strengthen them in YHVH [Give them the Spirit of Power], and in His name they will walk,” declares YHVH.

This chapter is full of promises for those who are IN the House of YHVH by salvation through Yeshua. We will list the promises mentioned in these few verses.

  1. He will punish unrighteous leaders
  2. He visits His flock
  3. He will make them like His majestic horse in battle… the most cared for as well as at the head of the battle
  4. Yeshua will come from Judah and He is the cornerstone, the hope and glory of His people, the bow in battle and will exact the tribute
  5. He will make His people mighty/powerful/strengthened
  6. He will fight for us and tread down the enemies
  7. He will bring us back/ gather us together…this is mentioned several times
  8. He will have compassion on us
  9. He will treat us as though we haven’t been rejected
  10. He will answer us when we call
  11. Our hearts made glad/happy
  12. Our children will be glad/happy too
  13. Our hearts will rejoice in YHVH/Yeshua
  14. He will redeem us
  15. We will be as numerous as we were before
  16. We will remember YHVH though in far countries…the very ability to remember Him comes from Him
  17. We and our children will live and once again we’re told we will COME BACK!!!

Many of these promises we can walk in today with our day to day battles, if we will look to Him to fill us with His Spirit of Power and not to our own strength!! As we call out to Him…He will answer!!

Have a blessed and shalom filled day!!


Courtesy of

River of Life Tabernacle
Tammy McLendon
Great peace have they who love Your law. Psalm 119:165a



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